cross country

A sport in which requires dedication and the will to want to run everyday. Those who run are the only ones who can fully understand how great it is. Though training is hellish, the reward more than makes up for it. People often criticize the sport, but this is because they are ignorant, or maybe even jealous. They say that it is only running and laugh at the small shorts. Cross Country is not nearly as popular as football or baseball, but the fans who come and watch are like no others. Very often, people cannot comprehend why we run and see running as a punishment. It is these people who could never realize, and shall never realize why we do what we do. It is not for glory, but for self satisfation. Cross Country requires more physical and mental strength than other sports.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to cross country. Some of the top words include: jockular, boxing, sport, Pined, skills, and 25 more.